queer mourning - Cafe Totentanz at Sonntagsclub Berlin

Cafe Totentanz


Cafe Totentanz is an open conversation people about death, queer mourning, dying and life. Every second event is for flinta people.

An open conversation about death, mourning, dying and, of course, life.

Approx. every two months, alternating between the queer or FLINTA edition.
Organized by Aranja Berkmüller – Amplified Humanity – and Tanja Rommler.
Payments can be given on a donation basis.
For languages spoken please contact the organizers.

More information

Aranja Berkmüller on Instagram
Cafe Totentanz on Sonntagsclub.de


Cafe Totentanz
c/o Sonntagsclub
Greifenhagener Str. 28
10437 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg