Flinta* Nightlife & Culture in Berlin
• Cafes & Bars with FLINTA Events
• Flinta-Centric Parties
• Activism
• Art, Literature & Film
• Event Calendars
Explore Berlin’s FLINTA nightlife, activism and culture!
Cafes / Bars
Trans Fag Dyke
Dyke*-centered queer party series
Fania Brava
Flinta-organized, queer-friendly salsa / perreo party
Monthly, flinta*-led queer party at Festsaal Kreuzberg
Party for flinta, roughly once a month, in changing locations.
Occasional party for lesbians in changing location
Magic Dyke
Currently paused – Masculine Str!pping by Flinta* performers
Currently paused – Party series for queer women at Tennis Bar, Neukölln
Queermany Berlin
Queer movement against fascism and trans hate
Behindert und verrückt Feiern
Disability Pride Parade Berlin
Queer durch Berlin
Queer-feminist activism in Berlin
Trans Pride Berlin
Day of trans pride and protest
Pralinen Festival
Festival kicking off International Women’s Day, featuring flinta rap and hip hop artists
Flinta* Pride 36
Flinta and PoC-centered pride event in Kreuzberg 36 neighbourhood
Dyke March
Demonstration for lesbian visibility happening in July
Art / Literature / Film
Trans Chor Plänterwald 22
Berlin choir for TINA* singers
D-Dur Dykes*
Queer FLINTA* pop choir
Queer Analog Darkroom
Self-organised inclusive skill sharing for photography in Berlin
Queer Life Drawing
Life drawing for and by LGBTQIA+ people
Berliner Transemble
Choir for trans people
Queer Gesprochen
Diversity-sensitive German classes with a queer and neurodivergent teacher
Slut Riot
Creative and political collective
Lesbian Non-Binary Filmfest
Berlin Lesbian Non-Binary Filmfest
Berlin Feminist Film Week
Berlin Feminist Film Week pays tribute to all filmmakers who challenge the hegemony of white cis-male filmmakers.
Final Girls Berlin Filmfest
Final Girls Berlin Film Festival showcases horror cinema that’s directed, written, or produced by women and non-binary filmmakers.
Event Calendars
Flinta* Calendar Berlin
Comprehensive FLINTA* and TINA event guide for Berlin
Party Dyke Berlin
Calendar for FLINTA* nightlife events in Berlin